Swift Action: Morrisey made 10 announcements on Day One, including executive orders, a congressional letter, and efforts to partner with the legislature
CHARLESTON, WV - Governor Patrick Morrisey took swift actions on Day One to advance the priorities of the new administration. Morrisey signed eight executive orders on Day One as part of his commitment to make West Virginia that shining state in the mountains. He also signed an intent to work with the legislature to define men and women, and signed a letter to the congressional delegation to designate Fentanyl as a weapon of mass destruction.
During the press conference on Tuesday, Governor Morrisey said: “I think it’s really important that we demonstrate that we have a team in place that’s going to be aggressive, proactive, and we’re going to begin this transformational process to put West Virginia first and be that Shining State in the Mountains. Yesterday, you heard in our inaugural speech, we had a number of big ideas planned. Today begins the process of effectuating those goals.”

Watch Tuesday’s press conference here.
This list of the Executive Orders (EO) and Day One actions can be found here:
● EO establishing economic Backyard Brawl
● EO setting School choice as a priority of the administration
● EO ordering cessation of DEI
● EO reviewing past, present, and projected spending decisions
● EO directing agencies to develop a plan for more efficient government
● EO plan to reduce rules, regulatory review
● EO allowing religious exemptions for school vaccines
● EO reviewing outdated Executive Orders
● Intent to partner with the legislature to define men and women clearly
● Letter to the congressional delegation to designate Fentanyl as a weapon of mass destruction
The full texts of the Executive Orders and actions will be available online today: https://governor.wv.gov/