West Virginia Week in Review - June 1, 2024


West Virginia Week in Review
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Gov. Justice signs Senate Bill 1002 allocating $150 million for supplemental highway funding
West Virginia Turnpike travel plazas still on track to open in time for Thanksgiving
Gov. Justice signed Senate Bill 1002 giving the West Virginia Division of Highways (WVDOH) $150 million in supplemental highway funding for paving projects throughout the Mountain State. 

Gov. Justice asked the Legislature to approve the extra funding during the first special legislative session in May. The money is in addition to $190 million received by the WVDOH in federal highway funds.

“Signing this bill is a huge win for our roads, our people, and West Virginia,” Gov. Justice said. “With federal funds only stretching so far, this additional $150 million means our hardworking Division of Highways crew can roll up their sleeves and tackle even more roads. I am beyond proud we got this across the finish, and I thank the West Virginia Legislature for prioritizing our roads. Now, we can keep the momentum going and continue to improve every corner of our state.” 

The $150 million supplemental budget appropriation will be used exclusively for paving projects in every district in West Virginia, and will greatly increase the ability of the WVDOH to pave the roads West Virginians drive every day.
Click here for video of travel plaza progress
Gov. Justice also provided an update on renovations to the Beckley and Bluestone travel plazas on the West Virginia Turnpike, which are expected to open in time for Thanksgiving.

In February 2023, Paramount Builders LLC, of St. Albans, was awarded a contract for $122.8 million to demolish the travel plazas at Beckley and Bluestone and replace them with new, state-of-the-art facilities offering more amenities and conveniences for Turnpike travelers.
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Gov. Justice signs Senate Bill 1004 providing an additional $10 million to the Posey Perry Emergency Food Bank Fund
Gov. Justice announces popular West Virginia Waterfall Trail surpasses 75,000 check-ins
Three new waterfalls added to the trail as summer travel begins
Gov. Justice announced over the Memorial Day weekend, the West Virginia Waterfall Trail surpassed 75,000 participant check-ins. The popularity of the nation’s first statewide waterfall trail continues to grow, with data showing that visitors from all 50 U.S. states and 41 countries are now joining the fun.

As the summer season kicks off, the Department of Tourism is adding three more falls, bringing the total number of stellar stops along the trail to 43.
Click here to view the three new falls
"It is absolutely beyond belief that our West Virginia Waterfall Trail has reached over 75,000 check-ins. We're talking about West Virginians and visitors from all 50 states and 41 countries who have explored these trails," said Gov. Justice. "I couldn't be more excited that we're adding three more incredible waterfalls to this trail. It opens up even more opportunities for folks to get out there and experience the breathtaking beauty right here in Almost Heaven."
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Also this week:

Gov. Justice appoints Ryan Flanigan as Circuit Judge of the Ninth Judicial Circuit Court

Gov. Justice appoints Sarah Dixon as Family Court Judge of the Sixth Family Court Circuit

Governor’s Schools Program Returns to Provide Students with New Opportunities

DEP names Environmental Teachers of the Year


C.J. Harvey
Director of Communications

Rachael Harper
Communications Specialist

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