West Virginia Week in Review - May 6, 2023


West Virginia Week in Review
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Gov Justice honors first responders at Medal of Valor awards
Gov. Jim Justice and officials from the West Virginia Department of Homeland Security (WV DHS) honored seven West Virginia first responders with the inaugural Medal of Valor awards, earlier this week.

"There is no other way to put it; these recipients are heroes,” Gov. Justice said. “It is an extreme honor to recognize these individuals who gave their all to serve and protect our community. Today, we gather to celebrate these fearless men and women, acknowledge them, and honor their selflessness. I couldn't be more proud."
The West Virginia First Responder Honor Board was created within the WV DHS to recognize and honor first responders who have "distinguished themselves conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of their lives above and beyond the call of duty in the performance of their duties to be awarded the Medal of Valor."
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Gov. Justice announces all-time revenue and personal income tax collection records
Gov. Justice held an event this week at the State Capitol to announce that West Virginia’s General Revenue collections for April 2023 are $319 million above estimates, marking the largest single-month surplus in state history.

Additionally, the state's Personal Income Tax collections totaled $192.8 million above estimates for April, which is also a new all-time record for a single month.
"This is a historic accomplishment – setting new records for the largest single-month revenue and personal income tax collections in state history," Gov. Justice said. "I am proud of our state's financial health, but I am also incredibly proud of the hardworking West Virginians who helped put us in this financial position. It’s an honor to be able to make announcements like this because West Virginia has truly turned bankruptcy into prosperity. All West Virginians should carry with them a sense of pride, because our state is on the move and the envy of the world.”
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Gov. Justice, WVDEP Sec. Ward announce nearly $26 million economic revitalization grants
Gov. Justice and West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) Secretary Harold Ward announced this week the recommendation of six AML Economic Revitalization (AMLER) Program projects that will utilize nearly $26 million in federal grant funding for economic development at abandoned mine land sites across the state.
The WVDEP’s Office of Abandoned Mine Lands and Reclamation (AML) administers the grant funding, which is provided by the U.S. Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE).

Grant applications were evaluated by a committee of representatives from the WVDEP, West Virginia Department of Commerce, West Virginia Department of Transportation, and the Governor’s Office.
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Gov. Justice speaks at Marshall Alumni of the Mid-Ohio Valley annual dinner
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Gov. Justice announces state leaders return from successful business development trip in Taiwan, South Korea, Japan
Gov. Justice announced earlier this week that members of the Department of Economic Development, WV Senate, and House of Delegates traveled to Taiwan as part of a business development mission to South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan.

During the trip, those same members held a ribbon-cutting for the opening of the West Virginia Taiwan Office, which will help promote our state as a location for Taiwanese investment and assist Mountain State companies in exporting to Taiwan.
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Gov. Justice issues proclamations for National Small Business Week, Mental Health Awareness Month, and Nurses Month
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Also this week:

Demolition underway at Bluestone Travel Plaza, marking milestone in renovation project

DHHR and WVU Health Affairs Institute release findings of MATCH survey

WVDOH awards contract for Harper’s Ferry rock fall stabilization

Contact Information

Jordan Damron, jordan.l.damron@wv.gov; CJ Harvey, cj.harvey@wv.gov


Office of the Governor
State Capitol, 1900 Kanawha Blvd. E
Charleston, WV 25305

Office Phone:
304.558.2000 or 1.888.438.2731

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