Justice Calls Bullsnot on Politicians for Spending Money on Private Capitol Bathrooms


Governor says state Senate spending on new bathrooms should go to drug treatment
CHARLESTON, WV— Today, Governor Jim Justice is shining a spotlight on the state Senate’s request to spend taxpayer money to upgrade their private bathroom facilities. 

Justice says the Senate should use the allocated bathroom money to fund drug treatment centers.

“Based on how poorly the Legislature did this past year, the taxpayers shouldn’t pay them for a new outhouse— much less a new luxury bathroom,” said Governor Justice. “We’ve got schools with bathrooms that don’t work and these politicians want the taxpayers to pay for gold-plated toilets? You’ve got to be kidding me.”

Justice added, “Since the Legislature passed a budget that hurt West Virginia families, there is no way they should reward themselves with new amenities in the Capitol, like a special politicians’ bathroom. When they cut the legs out from underneath our people, they should not be rewarded with a spending spree.”

Justice concluded, “I’m new to the political process, but is this what they mean by ‘live within your means’? If the facilities are so bad for our lawmakers, I’m happy to get them an outhouse delivered to the Capitol grounds.”

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Grant Herring — Grant.W.Herring@wv.gov


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